Hey Quarantiners (yes, I just made that up)!
While we are social distancing and waiting for Rona (coronavirus) to go away, let's create some goals that will help us level up by the time we come out of this.
Here's a great idea, from your favorite life coach: Create a Rona Board (vision board remix)!
Before diving into it like your typical vision board, I suggest the following these steps:
1. Write down some things you need to work on. Be very honest with yourself.
2. Write some things down that you're good at and it comes naturally to you (gifts). If you already know some of your gifts/talents, write those down.
3. Write down ONE long-term goal about where you see yourself, if you made a living off one of your gifts/talents.
4. Come up with AT LEAST 3 short-term, Rona goals that will help you get closer to your long-term goal (goals that are realistically achievable during this time of social distancing).
5. With whatever you have (be creative), create a visual that will remind you of your goals. Use a vision board as your blueprint but create it with the resources you have laying around your house. EX: cardboard boxes, old wrapping paper/tissues, crayons/markers/pencils/pens, paper bags, syrup (glue replacement), napkins/paper towels, etc.
6. Place/hang your Rona Board where you can see it and create an action plan that will help you take steps towards your goals, EACH DAY!
This will be fun and productive! Please take your time on this activity!
“Because complacency is not good place to be in, exploring your gifts/talents and creating goals to share them with the world is the best way to come out of it. We all have a purpose. We need to work on finding it or walking in it.”