The importance of Purpose Alignment: giving Your life direction

Why is purpose important?

Without purpose you’re cheating yourself of completeness or wholeness. It’s the thing that makes life come full circle. It’s the reason for your existence or presence. It’s the guide for your place on earth. 

But, here’s the real gold:

Put your energy and focus on finding your purpose AND aligning it with EACH area of your life. Purpose alignment is the PERFECT guide to happier and mentally healthier living. Let purpose be your compass!

There are three big areas of your life that you should make sure your purpose spills over:

Your spiritual life, relationships, and CAREER!

And, there are three main reasons why:

  1. You will be clear on knowing your place and part in each of those areas. When you’re clear on that, you have the direction you need to make decisions and have peace with whatever it means to be successful in those areas. Who doesn’t want clarity, direction, and peace?

  2. You will get the fulfillment that you need in each of those areas. Too often, we feel empty because we expend a lot of energy and time on things and people, it or they don’t reciprocate, and we are stuck wondering what’s the point? When you are in purpose, that’s almost never a question. Being in purpose allows you to feel good about sharing your presence and making a difference.

  3. You will be the most motivated you have ever been to wake up and do life. Sometimes, or a lot of times, we don’t want to get out of bed because there’s very few things that we are looking forward to, ahead of us. An average person gets out of bed out of obligation. They do what they have to do to survive and that’s it. But, when you have purpose and everything you do aligns with it, you get excited about what the day is going to bring.

So, why not choose a purposeful lifestyle over a survival one?

If you want a life full of excitement, fulfillment, direction, clarity, and ultimately, peace, it’s the best choice!


If you’re looking to find purpose and/or aligning it with those areas mentioned above and need some guidance, you’re in the right place. All we need you to do is schedule your FREE consultation and the rest will be history!

How to Get Results: 3-Step Guide to Getting Better Results than Last Time

What you spend the most of your time, effort, and mind on is what’s going to grow; it’s what you give your power to. STOP giving it to things that are meaningless and unimportant. If you want to see results from whatever pursuit you’re on, give it your time, effort, and mind.

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How to get results in your pursuit:

  1. Make time

 Questions to ask yourself:

What have you said you wanted that doesn’t seem possible?

Have you made up your mind that the goal is not reachable because you’re too busy?

Did it ever cross your mind that we make time for what we believe is important?


So, if you are employed, your job is probably most important because it’s how you survive and take care of your responsibilities. And most of the time, everything else in your life, besides maybe your family, takes a backseat.  

 If this sounds familiar, try this:

Make a list of your priorities

Write why they are priorities and if they are helping you become who you need to be and go the places you wish to go

If needed, change your list of priorities

2. Share your energy

 Questions to ask yourself:

 What takes the most or all of your energy?

What will it take for you NOT to expend all of your energy on one or two things?


If you’re like me just a short, couple of years ago, I kept busy at my job just to make the day go by faster. I expended most of my energy at a job that only did one thing for me, pay my bills. When I left for the day, the rest of my energy was expended on cooking a meal and social media. None of those things pushed me to become who I am today, but I didn’t have the energy to do anything else.

 If this sounds familiar, try this:

Say no to unnecessary things at work (or whatever the expenditure is)

Find a job that complements your new pursuit (or any replacement necessary)

Try new regimens that will help boost your energy (vitamins, diet, etc.)


3.Mindset adjustment

Questions to ask yourself:

Is more of your focus on why you can’t be successful in your pursuit, or what you can change to make things happen?

Are you the type to look for the good in everything, or do you shine light on the negative?


When I looked at everything through the lenses of depression, it seemed like the best thing to do when it came to my survival lifestyle, was to just stick it out. I felt like it took too much out of me to transition into the lifestyle I wanted to live, and it probably wouldn’t have worked out the way I planned.

 If this sounds familiar, try this:

 Address the things that’s stopping you from moving forward (depression, fear, anxiety, etc.)

Train your brain to do what you want it to do and think


What are you pursing and what are you doing to make sure you are getting results?  It’s the time, effort, and mind that’s going to get you further than the last time. If you want something different, do more. If whatever you’re currently doing is not working, do less.


Follow this three-part guide and watch the results come rolling in.


If you are currently looking for a certified life coach that will give you further tools and motivation to be successful, you are in the right place. Schedule a FREE consultation with Coach Tiya G.!

How to Live Life to the Fullest

“Living your life to the fullest is not taking vacations from the life you hate. Each area of your life should be filled with love, meaning, and purpose.”

If your life is just about you and how you’re going to survive, you’re not going to survive. That will kill you either mentally, spiritually, physically, or all of the above. We are not created to live in purposeless, survival.

How to live life to the fullest:

1.       Constantly, get to know and love yourself and share that with others, as much as possible.

When you get to know and love yourself, you get a sense of identity, realize your importance and place in the world. This process is definitely a journey, but start with unlearning the lies society taught you and start paying attention to all the great things about yourself, without anyone’s input.

2.       Find your purpose and make sure each area of your life aligns with it.

When purpose is found, you also find meaning and reason to do life. This is important for your mental health, joy, peace, and happiness. It also makes life a MUCH better experience when it aligns with each area of your life, ESPECIALLY your career. Although your purpose is not attached to a title or position, your titles or positions should align with it; otherwise, finding purpose is pointless. To make life even more purposeful, let that alignment spill over into other areas, like friendships, relationships, family, volunteer work, or ministries.

3.       Appreciate every experience or circumstance and allow them to help you grow or prepare for great things ahead.

 When you appreciate every experience or circumstance you won’t allow too much room for life disappointments. Look at each experience or circumstance as a part of the process or preparation for the person you want to become or the places you want to go. When life happens, take your moment, just to be in the moment, and then remind yourself that because you’re living a life of purpose, everything will work out for the good.


Follow those three steps and you will experience life the way it’s supposed to be experienced, to the FULLEST! No more just getting by or only doing things for survival. Make your first move! What’s it gonna be?


If you feel strongly about living life to the fullest, but you need someone to walk you through it and give you the tools to be successful, schedule your FREE consultation with Coach Tiya G. We will set you up for success and a better lifestyle!

New Worries in the Social Media Age: Going Viral, Literally and Figuratively

“Not going viral didn’t stop my purpose. It doesn’t have the power to.” Coach Tiya G.

“Not going viral didn’t stop my purpose. It doesn’t have the power to.” Coach Tiya G.

We’re all waiting on that moment to go viral, literally and/or figuratively.

According to Google, vi·ral is relating to or involving an image, video, piece of information, etc., that is circulated rapidly and widely from one internet user to another.


In this new social media age, the way we communicate, live, and learn has changed and has changed our expectations. Social media is a way of life and most of us depend on it for many things, from entertainment to income and anything in between. What we may not realize is that it changed the way we measure life satisfaction.

Since the beginning of time, we all wanted to be recognized for something good or noticed by who matters, but that’s not enough anymore. Satisfaction and success are measured by likes, followers, and popularity. It has come down to, if everyone knows and like you, you’ve made it, and you can conquer the world. But, what about the little guy!

What happens to the few of us that has never been the social or popular type, but has something to share with the world or want to be recognized for something good? We still have the same, new expectations that everyone else has in this social media age. For me, as a new business owner who uses social media as a big marketing tool, I based my success on likes, followers, and interactions. I remember one of my first goals was to reach 1,000 followers, which is reachable, but it hasn’t worked out that way. Of course, because that’s the new way we measure our success, I wasn’t too happy about the outcome. Then, I thought about why I really wanted 1,000 followers; I had to get to the root of it.

Yes, I wanted to feel appreciated for what I was doing, but what I really wanted was to feel like I was making an impact. Am I making a real impact with less than 1,000 followers?

Yes, yes I am! We must remember that social media is just a tool or entertainment, it doesn’t measure life’s success. If you are consistently working on yourself, finding or walking in purpose, and being the best example of your best self, you are making the impact that’s needed and you should be satisfied with that. We will be noticed by the people who matter and recognized for something good(purpose).

If you answer “yes” to these next 3 questions, you are on the right track:

Do you believe you have a unique purpose for this short time on Earth?

Is your identity in something or someone that’s unchanging?

Do you measure success based on your alignment with purpose?


As hard as it may be, we must use the things of this world as just tools and entertainment, and not a measurement or belief system.

If you did NOT answer those 3 questions , with a hard “yes”, I can help. I can show how to find yourself, your purpose, and newly defined success. All I need from you is to schedule a FREE consultation with me, Coach Tiya G.

Living My Best Life: How to Live vs. Survive

“You’re not living your best life, you’re not even living”, is what I told myself before I start living my current lifestyle. I thought I was living simply because I was doing all the right things to make me a “good human being” and I had the money to do what I want, with little responsibilities. I had the freedom to do whatever I pleased and I decided to just…..SURVIVE.

I didn’t know what LIVING really was until I realized, what I thought it was, was NOT it. I was stacking money from a job I hated and all I used it for was to pay my bills. It’s the having the most money I ever had and still completely unhappy part for me. I really thought that living was about taking care of responsibilities and having fun sometimes. But, hey, we’re all trying to figure it out.

Let me save you from a lesson learned; you aren’t really living until you’re living in and on purpose. Your best life is a purposeful one.

Really living is knowing the reason for your existence and living it full out, EVERYDAY. This is where you’re going to find yourself the happiest, mentally healthy, most peaceful and living your best life. Knowing your purpose will be one of the best things that ever happen to you. It’s when life start to make sense and when life make sense, you can really LIVE.

So, the difference between surviving and living? PURPOSE!

Since you’re dying to find purpose, now, here’s three things you need to know about it:

1.       It’s something you were born with and it’s just something you come to realize with development

2.       It’s a way of life

3.       It’s a not attached to a title

If you really want to transition from surviving to living, but don’t know where to begin, I could help!

Schedule a FREE call with me!

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I’m all for living my best life…

and showing others how to live theirs.

-Coach Tiya G.

Depression Into Purpose: Make the Transformation Doable

It’s no magic trick to pull yourself out of depression into purpose. Fortunately, when I experienced depression, I did not let myself fall in too deep where it was almost impossible to get out. God spoke to me and told me I needed to make some lifestyle changes, but that was just the beginning of the process.

It took a WHILE before I start changing some habits. I didn’t have the energy or the mindset to make a complete transformation. I had to kick habits of sleeping, eating, binge watching TV, and more. Kicking habits was the hardest and most important part of my transformation.

Because I knew changing habits wasn’t going to be easy, I figured out how I could make it easier or more doable for me. Making the decision to find self-care activities that put me in a better mood and gave me more energy was one of the best decisions I’ve made. It made my transformation VERY doable!

Here’s my thought process of how I came up with my self-care activities:

  1. What’s going to help you take your mind off of your circumstances?

  2. What gives you peace that’s not your tv, bed, or food?

  3. Do those things!     

These things involved:

-forcing myself to go be around family

-taking walks around the mall, window shopping

-coloring in my adult coloring book

All of these self-care activities gradually gave me the energy I needed to start putting effort into transitioning into purposeful living. I took it step by step and day by day. I was NOT stopped by the tiring thought that a transformation takes a lot energy and effort that I didn’t have. Replacing bad habits with self-care was a start to a complete transformation and it was very doable with my circumstances.

Here’s what I need you to do:

Find self-care activities that helps with taking your mind off your circumstances and restore your energy. Self-care is an integral part of your journey and is what will make your transformation doable.

Comment some good self-care activities to help someone else


Share this with someone who needs this.

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I did it and I can show you how.

It’s my pleasure to show others the way to purpose and save them time doing it.

If I can help you, schedule your FREE 30 minutes with me, let’s talk!

Coach Tiya G.

I Love What the Job I HATED Did for Me: How Success Found Me

If you know my story, you know that I went to school to get a bachelor’s degree in business, struggled to find a job, settled, hated my jobs. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I’m glad I did. One of the biggest problems I had was getting too comfortable and settling with mediocre, until the day…….

I realized I wasn’t happy and everything about me changed. These jobs, gradually, brought the worst out of me. Why didn’t anybody tell me I was acting like that? I definitely would not have talked to me. Haha. But, my experience needed to go EXACTLY the way it went. If I hadn’t experienced and felt everything that I felt, I would STILL be delaying my destiny.

When I came to the realization of all of this, I also came to the conclusion that nothing had a purpose or meaning in my life and I had to do something about it. When I started looking for purpose, I knew that meant I had to find the reason why I existed, but I still didn’t know enough, so I did some research. I kept seeing, “tell your story”, so I was like “forget it, I don’t have a story, Imma (I’m going to) just keep going to work”. Haha.

That didn’t last long. I knew I had to shake the unhappiness and depression I was experiencing. So, I’m thinking, what else do I need to know about purpose. I found that purpose should also solve a problem and that’s when I had that “aha” moment. I HAD A PROBLEM AT THAT VERY MOMENT THAT NEEDED TO BE SOLVED. I wouldn’t have had that problem if I didn’t experience what I experienced.

OH SHOOT, that experience was my story! It all started to come together, it led me into purpose and HERE I AM. It wasn’t that easy, but with a lot of life work and perseverance, I’m helping millennials add purpose and meaning to their lives and ultimately helping them live a happier and mentally healthier lifestyle.

I happy to help you do the same for yourself!

Here’s the first step:

Think about what you’ve experienced so far:

how did it change you?

What problem did it create?

What happened to make you realize you need to make some life changes?

This is just the beginning of using your experience and making it work for you.

I believe that you can take your experiences and run with it, but if you need the guidance and direction that I didn’t have, Let’s talk. I’m here to give you insight and save you time. Schedule your FREE 30 minutes with me!

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I’m here to make life easier!

Allow me to help you find purpose, turn your vision into reality, and save you time doing it.

-Coach Tiya G.

WE OUT: 10-Step Exit Strategy

Remember when I told you how to know when to quit your job? If you don’t, go back and read How to Know When It’s Time to Quit Your Job, then come here to read about an exit strategy. Aye, COME BACK! (Craig’s voice) Haha.

When you know you need to get out of an unhealthy situation, what’s your exit strategy? Most times when it’s time to leave an unhealthy situation, in some way, it’s a risk. When risk is involved, so is fear. Don’t ignore it, use it to make a strategy.

When I knew it was time to leave my job, I hesitated about handing in my two-week notice, for a long time. I was worried about where my next paycheck would come from, would I be able to find a better, more fitting job, and if it were time to really pursue my purpose. I had so many questions that were unanswered and worries about being able to keep up my lifestyle (bills). So, I needed an exit strategy to make me feel more confident about leaving.

Here’s the 10-step exit strategy I had:

1.      Spend free time pondering on what I really wanted out of life

2.      Figuring out if I wanted to go back to school or get my life coach certification

3.    Save money for my certification and funds for the unexpected

4.      Got my certification

5.      Look for and interview for a better fitting job before putting in my notice

6.      Start establishing my life coaching brand using social media

7.      Obtained a business license

8.     Pray

9.     Calculated how many months I could live off of with the money I saved

10.  QUIT!!!!!!!!!!

Your 10-step exit strategy will better resemble your unique situation but use mine as an example of some things to think about when creating yours. The ultimate goal is to feel more comfortable and confident about an uncomfortable and risky situation. In the beginning, fear took over, but I made a strategy and the goal of leaving my job was achieved. Erase fear with a strategy!

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This how excited I was when I left!

Why did I take so long? I wish I would’ve known how much of a difference a strategy made, sooner.

If you would like the same confidence in your exit, let’s create your strategy together. Schedule your FREE consultation with me, below!

- Coach Tiya G.

Wait, Do This First: Making Decisions 101


Let’s make some big decisions!

…..without the worry of scary interruptions.

It’s probably easier to just stay in the comfortable place you’re currently in. Everything may not be perfect but it’s what you’re used to and like they say, “don’t try to fix what ain’t broken”.

When we’re contemplating whether or not we’re ready to make some moves towards our next level, we think about all the scary interruptions they’ll make in our lives. This is where we go wrong. There’s a lot more that goes into making a decision. There’s steps you can take that will make it a lot less overwhelming.

Here’s the steps I take when I make big decisions:

The first step when making a decision is to write down all your options when it comes to making the initial step towards your next level, whatever that may be. It’s important not to leave out any options, big or small. After writing down all your options, write down all the pros and cons for each option. Now, this is probably the part where you stop and convince yourself that the cons outweigh the pros and none of your options are feasible. This SHOULD be the part where you go into deeper thought.

When you’re done writing down your possible pros and cons, rate each pro and con from 1-10 on importance, 1 being very little importance and 10 being very important. Example, if one of my pros for starting a business is having creative freedom and having that freedom is very important to me, I’d rate that a 10. If one of the cons were losing a lot of money during the startup process, I’d rate it a 7 because financial stability is important to me, but I know I have a support team who will be there if I have any setbacks. When done rating your pros and cons, don’t get hung up on the numbers, they are just there to make things easier to put into perspective. You should choose an option based on what’s important and meaningful. If numbers are your thing, then by all means, add your numbers up and choose the best result. This step makes you really think about how much of a risk you are willing to take to get to your next level, and in the process, tell you a lot about yourself.

Once you’ve written down your options, the pros and cons, and rated them, you must be real with yourself on how big or small of a risk you’re willing to take and what you will follow through on. If you’re a person that gets overwhelmed and making big decisions is a lot, try to take small steps. Remember, any movement towards your goals is good and keep going at a steady pace.

Also, know that whether it’s money, time, or sleep, every decision involves risk and/or sacrifice. What you must do is think about what you’re willing to risk and sacrifice and what you’re not. What you don’t want to do is make a quick decision out of fear because it’ll probably be the one that keeps you stagnant. When you sit down and do the work that goes into making a decision, you’ll realize it’s not as bad as your initial thought or feeling.

Here’s a little recap of the steps, to make it plain:

  1. write down all of your options, big or small

  2. write down pros and cons for each option

  3. rate each pro and con from 1-10, based on importance

  4. decide how much you’re willing to risk

  5. know yourself enough to know what you will follow through on

I encourage you to start making decisions on the next moves you need to make in order to get to YOUR next level. It’s time for you to live with purpose and meaning because you are missing out on a world of greatness. Know that any decision you make is the right one because whatever the outcome is, it will make you a better person and closer to your goals.

If you need any guidance or direction in making a decision, feel free to schedule a FREE consultation with me! Click the link below!


Tap Dance Into Your Purpose

What's up??!! 

Are you bored and ready to get back to regularly scheduled television?

Or, are you excited for this impromptu vacation because the old way of life just isn't working anymore? 

If you are not completely happy with the life you'll go back to, after all of this is over, use this time to give your life meaning. The only way to do so, is to find your purpose or at least start the process of it. Use this time to explore things about yourself that you never knew or tapped into. 

One way to learn new things about yourself is to tap into your creative side. Creativity showcases your abilities and gifts. You'll probably tap into your purpose by tapping into creativity. Not only is being creative fun, it's productive and one of the outcomes could be you monetizing something you LOVE to do.

I challenge you to take an hour out of your day just to be creative. Go where ever your mind wanders when you think "creativity". 

I started my Rona Board (find instructions in "Dem Rona Goals" blog and I realized when  have a vision, I seek for whatever I have in my possession and create something out of nothing. I did not know I had that in me until I tapped into my creativity. I drew out a blueprint of what I wanted my board to look like and I looked all around me to see what I could use to create the brain I envisioned for my board.

I found a lei sitting around and I decided to use the string for the outline of the brain and use the petals for it to come to life. While we're at it, I also used the lei to create the mouth for my board (follow me on FB and IG to see pictures and final Rona Board). I know what you're thinking, you want to be like me when you grow up. HaHa. 

What ever you do to tap into your creative side, take time out of your day to do it. If you have kids, get them involved. Start figuring out what you're good at and what you want to do with the rest of your life. 

If you need help with finding ways to tap into your creativity or figuring out your gifts or purpose, please schedule a FREE consultation with me.

-Coach Tiya G. 

Dem Rona Goals

Hey Quarantiners (yes, I just made that up)! 

While we are social distancing and waiting for Rona (coronavirus) to go away, let's create some goals that will help us level up by the time we come out of this. 

Here's a great idea, from your favorite life coach: Create a Rona Board (vision board remix)! 
Before diving into it like your typical vision board, I suggest the following these steps:

1. Write down some things you need to work on. Be very honest with yourself.

2. Write some things down that you're good at and it comes naturally to you (gifts). If you already know some of your gifts/talents, write those down.

3. Write down ONE long-term goal about where you see yourself, if you made a living off one of your gifts/talents. 

4. Come up with AT LEAST 3 short-term, Rona goals that will help you get closer to your long-term goal (goals that are realistically achievable during this time of social distancing). 

5. With whatever you have (be creative), create a visual that will remind you of your goals. Use a vision board as your blueprint but create it with the resources you have laying around your house. EX: cardboard boxes, old wrapping paper/tissues, crayons/markers/pencils/pens, paper bags, syrup (glue replacement), napkins/paper towels, etc. 

6. Place/hang your Rona Board where you can see it and create an action plan that will help you take steps towards your goals, EACH DAY! 

This will be fun and productive! Please take your time on this activity!

“Because complacency is not good place to be in, exploring your gifts/talents and creating goals to share them with the world is the best way to come out of it. We all have a purpose. We need to work on finding it or walking in it.”


Please, Stop Talking to Me: How to Limit Opinions

People will ALWAYS have something to say when it comes to how you live your life, what you’re doing wrong, or what you should be doing. Some people have good things to say or at least good intentions, but sometimes we don’t want to hear it. Well, at least I don’t.

Opinions aren’t always good or help your situation, so they need to be limited. Taking in opinions from left to right can be overwhelming and confusing when you’re in the process of figuring it out. There’s a million ways to “do life” and all our stories will turn out different, so we must walk our unique path. Your unique path consists of making your own decisions and making your own mistakes. You definitely cannot go through life without wise counsel, but everyone is NOT wise counsel. I said what I said (NeNe Leakes voice).

Finding a FEW go-to people for when you need wise counsel is one way to limit your opinions, probably the best way (I say “probably” because I’m telling you to limit your opinions and I don’t want to force mine on you haha). The people you go to for wise counsel should be ones you trust, an example, understanding and most importantly, have similar morals and values. Limiting your opinions is going to limit the amount of stress when making decisions and having go-to people will give you comfort.

Now, you’re probably thinking, “What about those people that talk without being spoken to, who talks a lot and say nothing at all? How do you ignore their opinions?”. This is where I tell you to train your brain to replace their opinions with affirmations. ALWAYS BE READY WITH AFFIRMATIONS. Whichever area of life you are working on and sensitive to opinions about, have an affirmation for it. Write them down, recite them, put them on your mirror, save them as your screensavers. We need to be constantly reminded about who we are, where we’re going and it’s all going to work out the way it’s supposed to. This world will dish out so many opinions, but we must give them right back. Protect your peace, reduce your stress, limit your opinions.

For my people who like to get straight to the point (you probably scrolled straight to the bottom of this blog . I know because I’m “people”), here’s the most important TAKEAWAYS:

-Limiting opinions will reduce confusion, anxiety, and stress.

-Limit opinions by finding a few go-to people for wise counsel.

-Be ready with affirmations for our lovely brothers and sisters who speak without being spoken to with their uninvited opinions.

Please subscribe for random gems, insight, events and updates.

Please subscribe for random gems, insight, events and updates.

Walking You Straight to Your Next Level: Breaking Small Habits in 21 Days

Habits need to be broken before you can receive your overflow of blessings. Would you be able to handle what you are asking for with the daily habits you currently practice?

It’s okay to answer that questions with a “Hecks naw!” (Trying not to be a cussing Christian). Ha-ha. I can admit that I have some bad habits that I need to break in order to be trusted with my next level blessing.

No worries, habits can be broken! There are a few things you can do to start breaking a few of those small habits that are delaying your destiny. If you did not answer the previous question with a strong “yes”, then follow these steps:

1.       Take some time to think about what you want. What are your goals? Write it down!

2.       Once you know what you want, you must figure out what’s stopping you. What are some of your daily habits that are holding you hostage from your dreams?

3.       Now, you must pick ONE habit that you want to focus on breaking first.

Side note: If you need help choosing the first habit to break, choose the one that is hurting you the most. Which one has the most power over you?

Once you pick a habit, the hard part begins, CONSISTENCY. For the next 21 days, you must figure out ways to make enough changes to break the habit and ways to motivate yourself to stick to the process. And because I love to help………

 Here’s my list of ways you can successfully break a habit:

1.       Always keep in mind, you are doing this for the greater good.

2.       Find an alternative or substitute for your habit.

3.       Figure out what triggers your bad habit and REMOVE those triggers. (ex: unplug the tv, cancel your subscriptions)

4.       Find an accountability partner! This is VERY important to the process. Talking to someone could even be an alternative or substitute for your bad habit. (me talking to my accountability partner: “Remind me why I’m doing this again. I’m over it.”)

5.       Recite and write affirmations! (ex: put a sticky note in the middle of your tv that says “I am strong enough to ignore you” or tell it “you don’t have power over me”)

Through this process, see yourself being victorious. If you give in to your bad habit during those 21 days, don’t be hard on yourself, just keep resisting. Don’t let a few slips make you forget the goal.

***Disclaimer: You may have a “relapse”, it doesn’t mean you were unsuccessful. This process is only unsuccessful, if you completely throw in the towel. Even if that happens, refer to this process and when you’re ready, start again.

In those 21 days of breaking your small habit, your strengths and weaknesses will be revealed and you will use them to be successful.

We out here breaking habits, reaching goals and I believe in YOU!

Happy Goal-Getting, Goal-Getters!


Coach Tiya G.

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“It’s More Than A Vision”

Who? Me? Yea I just made that happen! 


I didn’t always have a vision or even the mindset that there was more than just a 9 to 5 out there for me. I was taught that education is very important and after I graduate high school, I was continuing my education at somebody’s college or university or getting job *rolls eyes*. You can probably relate. 


Anyway, fast forward to after I graduated with my Bachelors in Business Administration (yes, I did what my mama strongly suggested) it took forever to land a job, so I settled. I settled into a job because I felt the pressure. You know the kind of pressure you put on yourself when you got people in your ear telling you what YOU need to do. YUP! That kind of pressure! So yes, I took that job because I was desperate, but then, a few months later, I found myself desperate to get out. It was the type of desperation where I’d take any job better than the one I had. Soooooo here we go again *puts hand on forehead*. I take a job that pays more and seems more like my lane. As you can probably guess, to be politically correct, it wasn’t a fit. It wasn’t a fit but I stayed longer than I thought because of the voice in the back of my head, in my case, voices. I had voices telling me why I needed to go and why I needed to stay. I wanted to square up (fight) with all of those voices. It made me even more confused.


 A few months into my journey at this job, I had to go to a training and that’s when I started being sick and tired of being sick and tired. So, I started trying to figure out my next move. Yup, I definitely used my free time during this training to do some research, ON THE COMPANY COMPUTER. *Laughs* I’m just kidding, I used the hotel computer, but that’s how motivated I was to figure out my next move. 


Anyway, after strong consideration of either going back to school or getting my life coach certification, I chose to get my certification. Once I finished my course, I was ecstatic and I started to put things into motion.  I had a Facebook page to put my name out there and I started reaching out to people who I thought may need or desired a life coach. I started making boss moves and I turned my inspirational Facebook page into a LLC. When I created G.I.F.T.S 2 GIVE LLC, I started looking at things differently, I had a new mindset. I knew that I was sitting on gifts and I had to do something about it. 


I had the idea to host a vision board party. So, I planned and hosted “It’s More Than A Vision” Vision Board Party.  That was it!! This made it real. This made my vision more than a vision. My gifts flowed out of me like I’ve been there before. I couldn’t even believe that was me! This event was a success because this was my proof that I was not created to just work 9 to 5, eat, sleep and repeat. From this point on, it became my passion to encourage people to work in their purpose and not work because of their circumstance(s). It’s your turn! Create your vision, put it into action and don’t stop until it becomes more than a vision.

Vision Board.jpg

Tips to make your vision more than a vision:

01 :  Be tired of being sick and tired 

02 :Work on finding the gifts your sitting on

03 :Make time to do research on some options that will help push you to the next level

04 : Don’t be scared to make the first move

05 : Stay motivated

06: Schedule a free 30 minute session with me