Walking You Straight to Your Next Level: Breaking Small Habits in 21 Days

Habits need to be broken before you can receive your overflow of blessings. Would you be able to handle what you are asking for with the daily habits you currently practice?

It’s okay to answer that questions with a “Hecks naw!” (Trying not to be a cussing Christian). Ha-ha. I can admit that I have some bad habits that I need to break in order to be trusted with my next level blessing.

No worries, habits can be broken! There are a few things you can do to start breaking a few of those small habits that are delaying your destiny. If you did not answer the previous question with a strong “yes”, then follow these steps:

1.       Take some time to think about what you want. What are your goals? Write it down!

2.       Once you know what you want, you must figure out what’s stopping you. What are some of your daily habits that are holding you hostage from your dreams?

3.       Now, you must pick ONE habit that you want to focus on breaking first.

Side note: If you need help choosing the first habit to break, choose the one that is hurting you the most. Which one has the most power over you?

Once you pick a habit, the hard part begins, CONSISTENCY. For the next 21 days, you must figure out ways to make enough changes to break the habit and ways to motivate yourself to stick to the process. And because I love to help………

 Here’s my list of ways you can successfully break a habit:

1.       Always keep in mind, you are doing this for the greater good.

2.       Find an alternative or substitute for your habit.

3.       Figure out what triggers your bad habit and REMOVE those triggers. (ex: unplug the tv, cancel your subscriptions)

4.       Find an accountability partner! This is VERY important to the process. Talking to someone could even be an alternative or substitute for your bad habit. (me talking to my accountability partner: “Remind me why I’m doing this again. I’m over it.”)

5.       Recite and write affirmations! (ex: put a sticky note in the middle of your tv that says “I am strong enough to ignore you” or tell it “you don’t have power over me”)

Through this process, see yourself being victorious. If you give in to your bad habit during those 21 days, don’t be hard on yourself, just keep resisting. Don’t let a few slips make you forget the goal.

***Disclaimer: You may have a “relapse”, it doesn’t mean you were unsuccessful. This process is only unsuccessful, if you completely throw in the towel. Even if that happens, refer to this process and when you’re ready, start again.

In those 21 days of breaking your small habit, your strengths and weaknesses will be revealed and you will use them to be successful.

We out here breaking habits, reaching goals and I believe in YOU!

Happy Goal-Getting, Goal-Getters!


Coach Tiya G.

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