How to Get Results: 3-Step Guide to Getting Better Results than Last Time

What you spend the most of your time, effort, and mind on is what’s going to grow; it’s what you give your power to. STOP giving it to things that are meaningless and unimportant. If you want to see results from whatever pursuit you’re on, give it your time, effort, and mind.

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How to get results in your pursuit:

  1. Make time

 Questions to ask yourself:

What have you said you wanted that doesn’t seem possible?

Have you made up your mind that the goal is not reachable because you’re too busy?

Did it ever cross your mind that we make time for what we believe is important?


So, if you are employed, your job is probably most important because it’s how you survive and take care of your responsibilities. And most of the time, everything else in your life, besides maybe your family, takes a backseat.  

 If this sounds familiar, try this:

Make a list of your priorities

Write why they are priorities and if they are helping you become who you need to be and go the places you wish to go

If needed, change your list of priorities

2. Share your energy

 Questions to ask yourself:

 What takes the most or all of your energy?

What will it take for you NOT to expend all of your energy on one or two things?


If you’re like me just a short, couple of years ago, I kept busy at my job just to make the day go by faster. I expended most of my energy at a job that only did one thing for me, pay my bills. When I left for the day, the rest of my energy was expended on cooking a meal and social media. None of those things pushed me to become who I am today, but I didn’t have the energy to do anything else.

 If this sounds familiar, try this:

Say no to unnecessary things at work (or whatever the expenditure is)

Find a job that complements your new pursuit (or any replacement necessary)

Try new regimens that will help boost your energy (vitamins, diet, etc.)


3.Mindset adjustment

Questions to ask yourself:

Is more of your focus on why you can’t be successful in your pursuit, or what you can change to make things happen?

Are you the type to look for the good in everything, or do you shine light on the negative?


When I looked at everything through the lenses of depression, it seemed like the best thing to do when it came to my survival lifestyle, was to just stick it out. I felt like it took too much out of me to transition into the lifestyle I wanted to live, and it probably wouldn’t have worked out the way I planned.

 If this sounds familiar, try this:

 Address the things that’s stopping you from moving forward (depression, fear, anxiety, etc.)

Train your brain to do what you want it to do and think


What are you pursing and what are you doing to make sure you are getting results?  It’s the time, effort, and mind that’s going to get you further than the last time. If you want something different, do more. If whatever you’re currently doing is not working, do less.


Follow this three-part guide and watch the results come rolling in.


If you are currently looking for a certified life coach that will give you further tools and motivation to be successful, you are in the right place. Schedule a FREE consultation with Coach Tiya G.!

New Worries in the Social Media Age: Going Viral, Literally and Figuratively

“Not going viral didn’t stop my purpose. It doesn’t have the power to.” Coach Tiya G.

“Not going viral didn’t stop my purpose. It doesn’t have the power to.” Coach Tiya G.

We’re all waiting on that moment to go viral, literally and/or figuratively.

According to Google, vi·ral is relating to or involving an image, video, piece of information, etc., that is circulated rapidly and widely from one internet user to another.


In this new social media age, the way we communicate, live, and learn has changed and has changed our expectations. Social media is a way of life and most of us depend on it for many things, from entertainment to income and anything in between. What we may not realize is that it changed the way we measure life satisfaction.

Since the beginning of time, we all wanted to be recognized for something good or noticed by who matters, but that’s not enough anymore. Satisfaction and success are measured by likes, followers, and popularity. It has come down to, if everyone knows and like you, you’ve made it, and you can conquer the world. But, what about the little guy!

What happens to the few of us that has never been the social or popular type, but has something to share with the world or want to be recognized for something good? We still have the same, new expectations that everyone else has in this social media age. For me, as a new business owner who uses social media as a big marketing tool, I based my success on likes, followers, and interactions. I remember one of my first goals was to reach 1,000 followers, which is reachable, but it hasn’t worked out that way. Of course, because that’s the new way we measure our success, I wasn’t too happy about the outcome. Then, I thought about why I really wanted 1,000 followers; I had to get to the root of it.

Yes, I wanted to feel appreciated for what I was doing, but what I really wanted was to feel like I was making an impact. Am I making a real impact with less than 1,000 followers?

Yes, yes I am! We must remember that social media is just a tool or entertainment, it doesn’t measure life’s success. If you are consistently working on yourself, finding or walking in purpose, and being the best example of your best self, you are making the impact that’s needed and you should be satisfied with that. We will be noticed by the people who matter and recognized for something good(purpose).

If you answer “yes” to these next 3 questions, you are on the right track:

Do you believe you have a unique purpose for this short time on Earth?

Is your identity in something or someone that’s unchanging?

Do you measure success based on your alignment with purpose?


As hard as it may be, we must use the things of this world as just tools and entertainment, and not a measurement or belief system.

If you did NOT answer those 3 questions , with a hard “yes”, I can help. I can show how to find yourself, your purpose, and newly defined success. All I need from you is to schedule a FREE consultation with me, Coach Tiya G.