Remember when we couldn’t wait to be grown? We always mumbled under our breath that we couldn’t wait to move out when we turned 18. Haha. Then, we got our first little taste of adulthood and wanted to take back everything we said because the world ain’t what it’s cracked up to be. It’s almost scary to be independent in the world we live in today.
We could do everything we’re “supposed to do” to become a successful adult, and life will still do what it does best. We can get an education, learn a trade, or start a business to ensure the security that is “promised”, and think life will be smooth sailing. But, if you lived enough life, you know that this is not completely true. You will get hit with curveballs, and that’s the scary part. They’re sudden, unexpected, and puts pressure on us. Those are the moments when we feel like if we don’t make the right decision, fast, it could ruin us.
What do I mean by “ruin us”? ……
All the scary scenarios we come up with when we think of what happens when we fail. Maybe you think of homelessness, hunger, poverty, which are extreme examples, but you get the point. We are trying to control and protect ourselves from uncomfortable situations because for us, it’s the end of the world.
When I was today years old, I learned that when we are constantly trying to control our lives, life is actually controlling us.
Because you fear failure or uncomfortable situations, you miss out on a world of opportunities and a better lifestyle. You must go after what ever it is that makes this short time on Earth, worth it. You must believe that WHAT EVER life throws at you, or if you experience the lowest of the low, that it’s just a part of your story that’s going to help you be more successful.
Don’t be afraid of experiencing the lows and don’t let the thought of it stop you from starting your journey to greatness.
The fear of the what if’s will stop you from living a happier and mentally healthier lifestyle.
Ask yourself these three questions:
What am I afraid of experiencing?
Why am I afraid of experiencing it?
What are my fears stopping me from doing?
Write your answers down, write a plan to get past the fear of “what if”, and plan the first step to greatness.
Schedule a FREE consultation with me, if you would like me to walk you through your process and plan of getting over the what if’s and starting your journey to greatness.
I can’t believe I was today years old when I learned this. Share if you can relate, this was helpful, or you know someone who needs to read this!
-Coach Tiya G.