How to Take Control of Your Life: What the People Won't Tell You

“Organizing and planning your life is not to take control of your life. It’s to give you direction and peace when you’re uncertain.”

“Organizing and planning your life is not to take control of your life. It’s to give you direction and peace when you’re uncertain.”

Two things that I am absolutely good at is planning and organizing. I can want something or have a vision one day and planning for it the next. Planning and organizing your life is a great way to make things jump (happen). What no one EVER tells you is that those two things WON’T help you take control of your life.

The best way to control your life, is to STOP trying! PLOT TWIST! Haha.

Organizing and planning your life is not to control it, but to give you direction and peace when you’re uncertain. Having a vision for your life and doing what you need to do to make it a reality is what we should be doing, but we shouldn’t hope for our plans to go exactly the way we planned them. We should hope that our planning and organizing pushes us to exactly where we need to be.

When you come to that point in your life where nothing makes sense, it’s meaningless, and you’re trying to figure out what’s the point, the best medicine is to dream, follow your passions, make your visions plain, and start planning and organizing your life for those things to happen. That is what excites and motivate one to do something great, instead of living in survival mode and letting life pass them by.

When you start to move forward in your plan, you’re bound to run into purpose and THAT is what’s going to give you the peace with not having complete control over your life. When you find purpose, you can either answer all of those previous questions of uncertainty or be okay with them because you know that every experience from the past and future, either did or will shape you for what you were called to do with your life. And again, THAT’S PEACE!

So, take control of your life by hoping that your planning and organizing pushes you to the places you NEED to be, which is ultimately something or somewhere that aligns with your purpose.


3 Advantages for planning and organizing your life:

1.       It gives you something to look forward to

2.       It gives your life order and direction

3.       It adds meaning and purpose to your life

1 Thing that planning and organizing won’t do:

1.       Give you control over your life



Be encouraged and excited about where your journey is taking you, don’t focus on the things you can’t control.